

Creative Teaching and Learning in Formal & Informal Settings

The goal of these assignments is to enhance creativity education, engage in creative learning and utilize technology to support creative activities.

Major assignments focus on creative teaching and learning toward personal professional interests:

- Create a creative portrait as introduction

- Review Creativity Models and Theories

- Summarize a book about Creativity

- Create a website/online portfolio (this one!)

- Design a curriculum with Torrance Incubation Model (TIM)

- Advocate for Creativity

Creative Portrait

Visualizing my style as teacher and as a learner would look something like this. Learning and teaching with Heart, Head and Hands. The Head stands for the cognitive side of learning, the knowledge. The Hands stand for the affective side of learning, actively learning skills by training. And the Heart stands for passion and empathy. If  you listen to your heart and passion, you will find self actualization and happiness in life.

Sidney Parnes

Click picture to enlarge..

innovation timeline

Creativity Models

Creative thinking is a deliberate thinking process. Most people think creatively, but are not aware of what they are doing and why they do it.

As a designer I use a lot of different models and methods, without knowing the name or the theory behind it. In order to teach this deliberate thinking skills to my students, I had to become aware of my internal creative thinking processes in order to teach to others how it works and why...  Digging in the 60-plus years of research on theories, concepts and initiatives in creativity education helped me to realize and articulate the importance of developing creative thinking skills to be prepared for the uncertainty of the future.

History in Creativity Education.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document 107.1 KB

creativity skills

Mark Twain once noted that "The difference between a word and the right word is like the difference between lightening and lightening bug." In other words, there's often a big difference!  The same might be said of the distinctions between teaching the content of creativity or using it as process to teach another content creatively In regard to the former, words like "concepts, principles, skills or vocabulary" appear.  For the latter, more descriptive words like "fun, interesting, exciting or different" are used to describe the learning of concepts, principles, skills or vocabulary of another content. 

Visual Book review

Creativity Rising by Puccio et al.

  • The theoretical background of what creativity is, is clearly defined from the psychological perspective.
  • A must read for everyone who wants to explore the nature an nurture of creativity.
Book review
Creativity Rising visual book review.
Creativity Rising-review N.Wever.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document 1.5 MB

Advocacy rap

"Change will be your Destiny

  Uncertainty your Company

  Embracing the Complexity

  Trusting Creativity"


An advocacy document, a plea for creativity, written for students in higher education in a Rap.
Trust Creativity - Rap.docx
Microsoft Word document 99.3 KB

Picture innovation

Paper: "Interview with self"

Paper for SUNY-Marie Mance
Interview for ‘HanzeMag’, the Hanze University Magazine
Adobe Acrobat document 2.2 MB

Studio:  Het Paleis, Langestraat 148, 9712 MH Groningen,      The Netherlands.      T   +31 6 12327055       e-mail: